The on demand router sends these requests to dynamic clusters, which represent a pool of resource that application servers and application instances can consume. 随需应变路由器将这些请求发送到动态集群,该动态集群是一个应用程序服务器和应用程序实例可以消耗的资源池。
A wide pool of friends, peers and connections of all kinds will provide a wealthy resource of ideas and support as you go forward in life. 交友广阔,朋友、同事和其他各种关系人脉会为你未来的生活提供丰富创意资源和支持。
To construct such a standard pool, the grid-enable technologies of simulation resource based on grid service were introduced. 为了建立标准的资源池,介绍了基于网格服务的网格化仿真资源的关键技术。
On Educational Technology Ability in Resource Pool Construction of Colleges and Universities& A Thinking Based on Resource Pool Construction of Liuzhou Teachers College 论高校资源库建设中教师的教育技术能力&基于柳州师专资源库建设中的思考
In order to avoid conflicts of interests, these funds could be made directly available to an institutional pool that is set aside for the appropriate resource allocation of core ERC costs. 为了避免利益冲突,可以把这些资金直接支付给一个机构性机构(institutionalpool),在为了伦理委员会的核心成本分配恰当资源时,可以并行地设立这个机构。
The thread pool technology provides a sound solution for both the problem of thread life-cycle overhead and the problem of resource insufficiency, it has been widely used in server softwares. 摘要线程池技术为线程创建、销毁的开销问题和系统资源不足的问题提供了很好的解决方案,在服务器软件中得到了广泛的应用。
Using thread pool in the implementation of the server, optimizing the usage of the system resource, improving the capability of dealing with large numbers of requests. 将线程池技术结合到服务器的实现中,优化系统资源的利用,提高系统对大量请求的处理能力。
The pool of knowledge resource: The macro-mechanism model of knowledge creation and sharing 知识资源池:知识创新和共享的宏观机制模型
Based on the introduction and the history review of patent pool, the paper discusses the theoretic researches on it, especially in the field of patent abuse, transaction cost economics and the resource based view. 本文在对专利联盟相关概念和对美国专利联盟历史回顾的基础上,从专利垄断、交易成本和资源基础理论等角度,综述了专利联盟的理论研究及其研究中存在的不足。
The common key questions of industrial biotechnology are summarized as follows: ( 1) the pool of microbial resource and functional genomics of microbe; 介绍了工业生物技术的关键问题是:(1)微生物资源库和微生物功能基因组学技术;
At present time, computing pool is a practical computing grid model. The mechanisms of its resource discovery and allocation are more simplified. 在现阶段,网格的计算池模型是一种较实用的网格实现方式,其资源的查找和分配机制也相对简单。
It also can help to make decisions for managing resources and environment, so the department can authentically use decision making tools to obtain and analyze data from information pool of resource and environment. 并可用于支持资源环境管理的决策制定过程,使有关部门能够真正地利用决策支持分析工具直接从资源环境信息池中随机地提取、分析数据;
The results show that MSC IN POOL technology can realize the balance of network resource and improve the network security of core network of Zhuhai. 结果显示,MSCInPool技术实现了网络资源的平衡,有效提升了珠海核心网的网络安全。
The main pool of resource are native plant-based, with strong resistance, rich resource, developed root system, and other advantages, including shrubs, vines, herbal three types. 本资源库主要以乡土植物为主,具有很强的抗逆性,来源丰富,根系发达等优点,包括灌木、藤本、草本三种类型。
We know that the individualize and autonomous resources database system can not only make the resource database system of resources in the new supersedes the old., but also promote the resource pool of quality resources development and advance the resource repository system maturity. 个性化和自主式的资源库系统不仅能够促使资源库系统内资源的新陈代谢,而且还能促进资源库内资源的优质化发展,推进资源库系统走向成熟。
The pool group technology can effectively improve the capacity of the network, reduce operating costs; at the same time, flexible network management make the network and deployment more flexible efficient, and also high efficiency of the utilization of equipment resource and the network service. 池组化技术可以有效提升网络容量,减低运营成本;同时,灵活的网络管理模式使得组网及部署更加灵活,并具有更高效的设备资源利用率和网络效率。
According to the characteristics of common pool resources to distinguish with other kinds of items, analysis of common pool resources facing the situation of resource system, resource usage, rules, three basic elements, and put forward the common pool resource in trouble condition. 根据公共池塘资源的特性将其与其它种类物品区分开来,分析公共池塘资源面临的情景中的资源系统、资源占用者、规则三个基本要素,并提出了公共池塘资源陷入困境的条件。